Portugāles demokrātijas diena
1 attēls • 23. apr 2013 00:19
To celebrate the 39th anniversary of the most important date to Portugal democracy, in next Thursday 25th April, in “Klubs Māja” Office, a photo exhibition will be presented by our EVS volunteer Miguel, showing some of the most iconic images from that historical day, a respected national holiday in Portugal.
Structure of Exhibit:
- a portrait of the most important moments of this day;
- a chronol...VairākTo celebrate the 39th anniversary of the most important date to Portugal democracy, in next Thursday 25th April, in “Klubs Māja” Office, a photo exhibition will be presented by our EVS volunteer Miguel, showing some of the most iconic images from that historical day, a respected national holiday in Portugal.
Structure of Exhibit:
- a portrait of the most important moments of this day;
- a chronology of the moments that made this day possible (the political context that ended a long dictatorship period);
- before and after 25th April;
- which connection with European Union?
After this exhibit the time is dedicated to a thematic origami workshop in order to make a carnation, the flower that became the symbol of this day.
This Thursday, starting at 7 p.m.
If you are planing to join us, then give a message to miguel@klubsmaja.lv