About In The Box
Band In The Box is locate in Riga, Latvia
New Age/Pop Punk "In-the-box " in the, beginning of year presented his first video for the song: "Different lives and Different stories."((expired link)).
Band had a changes in line up and as well as expression in musical terms in the end of year 2009. Well the sound is also complemented by electronics, which together represent an interesting and unique combination.
"IN The Box" is
Guitar and Vocals
Born in May 12, 1987
Aris Kasparans
Born in May 19, 1987
Normans Barbals
Born in Septembet 8, 1987
Karlis Shulc
Born in Jun 3, 1985
Karlis Strubergs
Born in August 21, 1989
Plays Today: 5
Total Plays: 18,202
Profile Views: 14,258
Subscribers: 505
Followers: 212
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