
The bands official birthday is considered to be January 15, 2008. Return to Surface is a Nu-Metal band with its origins in Latvian seacoast city Liepaja. For now the band is based in Riga. Band was formed by for musically talented enthusiasts. As the guys themselves say - they are the ones whom the music is inside, those with music is more than just a sound except Speaker. As time passed and guys have found their own style that brings out the best. Basically the guys playing nu-metal style of music, but occasionally step out of usual boundaries or lyrical material. Guys inspired their songwriting by both local and foreign musicians. Band does not stand still and improve their sound and stage performance, appearance and attitude to work. . Return to Surface (RTS) in 2008 introduced a new music festival in Liepaja life.
In 2009, the group had to part with trusted bands vocal Marts, so the group over the years played only once a year in their own established festival by same name. Year 2015 marked the start of a new beginning with new vocals, Rihards, remembering old ways, creating new material and focusing on a new vision and a new game changing plan.

List of group members:
• Arturs Davids [bass]
• Kristaps Zilinskis [guitar]
• Kristaps Karps [drums]
• Rihards Munkevis [vocals].

E-mail - || Tel - (+371)2888197; - (+371)28379064


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