I hit things
- V-diena: 29. aprīlis
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Jaunākie draugi
- RT @CatWorkers: Chess grandmaster.
- RT @maxseddon: Speaking in India, whose government has been sympathetic to Putin’s claims on Ukraine and helped Moscow mitigate the effect of western sanctions, Lavrov says “the war we are trying to stop was launched against us.”
The audience laughs at him. - RT @MrLovenstein: Secret Panel HERE 🙏 https://t.co/kcJnpTsBXmRead Mr. Lovenstein :: Thoughts and Prayers | Tapas Comics
Read Mr. Lovenstein and more premium Comedy Comics now on Tapas!
- RT @PDLComics: eat me
- RT @PDLComics: hoops
- RT @extrafabulous:
- RT @CatWorkers: Baker in training.
- RT @neliizad: Vai atceraties, ka pirms pāris mēnešiem lūdzu noziedot man rollton eļļiņas "mākslai"? Aizmirsu parādīt rezultātu, te būs!
Studenta veids kā sagatavoties ziemai, uzkrāt tauku rezerves. - RT @MrLovenstein: Secret Panel HERE
Read Mr. Lovenstein :: Diminished | Tapas Comics
Read Mr. Lovenstein and more premium Comedy Comics now on Tapas!
- RT @CatWorkers:
- RT @MrLovenstein: Secret Panel HERE
Read Mr. Lovenstein :: Getting The Message | Tapas Comics
Read Mr. Lovenstein and more premium Comedy Comics now on Tapas!
- RT @Thereisnocat_:
The word "Dashboard" comes from the board on the front of a horse carriage which prevents mud from kicking up on the passengers as the horses are "dashing" through the dirt.