Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija



Playing like a child, so free. We all recognize it when we look back upon our youth. Gradually we develop programmes that take away our sense of freedom. We are afraid to fail, to loose, to dream and to say what is on our mind. Where we previously saw no danger at all, we now calculate all possible risks to ourselves. The innocence of a child proves that we humans have acquired behaviour patterns that make us feel that we don’t want to play anymore. However, that is the basis of the process of creation, because to create what we really want, we need to go through life playfully. The frequency of Innocence brings you back to the feelings you had as a child: pure, sincere and playful, without inhibitions, insecurities, fears or doubts.

iepriekšējā59. no 110nākamā

Māksla. Arkturiāņu kodi

Ievietoja: Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija 14. apr 2012 15:58

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