Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija



Silence and tranquility have become rare experiences. Our full agenda’s mean that we tend to race from A to B. The rest we give ourselves to re-charge our batteries feels as though we are wasting our time doing nothing. To actually be in a position to make use of the new laws and rules that relate to this new reality, we have to remain close to ourselves. Silence is much more that ‘not talking’ and ‘hearing no noises.’ Silence is a void. It is the place where everything comes from and where you subconsciously gain entrance to the source of all creation. The frequency of Silence inspires you to occasionally experience silence and tranquility for yourself.

iepriekšējā49. no 110nākamā

Māksla. Arkturiāņu kodi

Ievietoja: Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija 14. apr 2012 15:57

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