Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija



The ruling earth frequencies challenge us to reach for our inner strength. We can only achieve this as we begin to feel where our passion lies. How great is your desire to literally choose what feels right for you? To follow your own truth, without adjusting yourself to the outside world? That is where the key actually lies to tap fully into your own strength. It is not important what others think of you, because no one knows the way better than you. Only when you dare to say 'It does not interest me what you think of me', then you have understood the message and will be able to create what you really want. The frequency of Devotion helps you to be dedicated to yourself, instead of to others.

iepriekšējā26. no 110nākamā

Māksla. Arkturiāņu kodi

Ievietoja: Janosh. Sakrālā ģeometrija 11. apr 2012 11:20

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