Latvijas @REautoclub komanda gatavojas ceļam uz...
1 attēls • 9. feb 2016 15:47
Latvijas @REautoclub komanda gatavojas ceļam uz rallijreidu “Northern Forest” 19.-22.februārī Karēlijas apgabalā. Vēl 10 dienas līdz sacensībām!
Russian Championship in rally raid starts in 10 days! We are ready for the first snowy stage “Northern Forest” in February 19th – 22nd.
#REAutoclub is excited to introduce with the team members because we have a surprise!
Stay tuned for the next days! #...VairākLatvijas @REautoclub komanda gatavojas ceļam uz rallijreidu “Northern Forest” 19.-22.februārī Karēlijas apgabalā. Vēl 10 dienas līdz sacensībām!
Russian Championship in rally raid starts in 10 days! We are ready for the first snowy stage “Northern Forest” in February 19th – 22nd.
#REAutoclub is excited to introduce with the team members because we have a surprise!
Stay tuned for the next days! #mitsubishi #ford #FordRaptor #NorthernForest #RussianChampionsip #rally #REAutoclub #rallyraid #Russia