BaltImage teachers' Christmas party 2015 - with a little fun, little handicrafts and little cooking... womanly cozy, sweet, warm, aromatic and delicious!
First of all, we, all BaltImage team, say an enormous thank you to Dace & FOTO un STILA studija for a great photo shoot ans lots of fun and to Linda & Lindas Virtuve for such a cozy, homy and festive atmosphere and delicious meal!
And... of course... thank you my dear ladies - Inga, Sintija, Angelina, Inga, Marina, Inese, Lolita and Emma for the amazing year together, for your hard work every day, for being so positive, smiling, open and always ready to help!
You are just awesome!
Though... must say we did miss some of our very special colleagues who have gone to explore the world... guys - we miss you, we speak about you all the time and we all impatiently wait you back!
Happy Holidays to all!!
Your Ivita 12.12.2015.

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